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What Are Some Uses for Used Cooking Oil Besides Biofuel?

Rob Delbueno • February 27, 2024
0 minute read
use cases for used cooking oil other than biofuel

Used cooking oil can be liquid gold in the right hands. Used cooking oil is an adaptable material that can be recycled into a myriad of products safely without degrading their quality, making it a valuable resource.


The most notable reuse of used fryer oil is for biofuel. Biofuel is an eco-friendly alternative to petroleum that is made from used cooking oil, animal fat and algae instead of fossil fuels.


Petroleum diesel contributes approximately 10 percent of the U.S.’s energy-related carbon emissions. Biofuel reduces emissions by up to 74 percent. With widespread adoption, biofuel has the potential to significantly cut down on greenhouse gas emissions.


Biofuel is one of the most impactful reuses of cooking oil – one that the team at Southern Green Industries utilizes to the fullest, using recycled used fryer oil to fuel our fleet of vehicles. But it’s far from the only use for waste fryer oil.


Other Reuses for Cooking Oil


  • Soap: Filtered and cleaned cooking oil has moisturizing properties that can make it a useful ingredient in sustainable soap making.

  • Lubricant: Used cooking oil can become a lubricant that can smooth locks, keep tools from rusting and fix creaky hinges. That said, it can sometimes cause certain metals to oxidize and rust faster, so it should only be used sparingly.

  • Animal Feed Additive: Once cleaned, used cooking oil can be integrated into animal feed to imbue it with more fat and energy. 

  • Composting: In small amounts, used cooking oil can enrich food waste with nutrients that can help it break down easier during composting while also mitigating the foul smell that can attract pests. Too much used cooking oil can create an oxygen barrier that slows down composting and generates noxious odors, so it should be added sparingly.

  • Fire Starter: Soaking newspaper in recycled cooking oil can help start fires for charcoal grills, wood stoves and campfires.


Is It Worth It to Recycle Your Oil Independently?


Homeowners are typically able to independently strain and clean their own used cooking oil, although how many times you can reuse oil depends on the type of oil (higher smoke point oils can be reused more easily than low smoke point oils). Repurposing oil at home can be difficult or more trouble than it’s worth because the processes can be cumbersome and in many cases, DIY products made with used cooking oil have drawbacks compared to store-bought alternatives. Proper disposal in the trash is often the preferable solution.


Waste fryer oil recycling is a different story for restaurants, where it’s typically the preferred method for removing used oil. Improper management of used cooking oil can quickly lead to messes, contaminating commercial kitchens and exacerbating the risk of slip and fall accidents and fires – not to mention the penalties businesses can face for irresponsible oil handling.


By hiring Southern Green Industries to take care of your grease trap cleaning and fryer oil recycling, businesses can help keep Atlanta green with responsible fryer oil recycling – and get paid for it.


At Southern Green Industries, we have the equipment and manpower to filter, remove and process used fryer oil effectively so businesses can have peace of mind about the state of their kitchens. We not only provide commercial kitchens with free customizable oil collection containers, but since we utilize biodiesel derived from used fryer oil to fuel our operation, we’ll pay you a fair market price for your oil waste.


We’ve Been Helping Georgia Restaurants Make the Most of Their Used Cooking Oil Since 2007


Stop stressing over your waste oil disposal and discover the benefits a reputable grease trap cleaning and waste oil recycling service can provide to your business. Southern Green Industries has worked with the same team of experts for decades and trusts them to work efficiently and with a distinct customer-first focus.


Reach us at (404) 419-6887 today to learn more about our services and receive a free quote.

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Contact us Today for a FREE Quote

We are committed to making grease trap cleaning and fryer oil recycling as clean and easy as possible. If you’d like to learn more about our services or get a quote, give us a call at (404) 419-6887.

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